Spider-Man 3 Theory: We Already Know The Villains...
6. J Jonah Jameson & The Secret Puppet Master

The other big revelation of that post-credits scene was, of course, the first sighting of the MCU's version of J Jonah Jameson - longtime scourge of Peter Parker in the comics. Here, rather than being the Daily Bugle newspaper's editor in chief, he's the mouthpiece of a show called The Daily Bugle, almost like a new breed of non-Mainstream Media mogul using a new media platform to gain more traction. JJJ has diversified and that can only spell danger for Peter Parker.
It fits that Jameson would be reimagined as a sort of Alex Jones type, leading his own version of Infowars and seeking to tell the "Real, Devastating Truth" of the Avengers. Imagine the fun that sort of figure would have with the death tolls of Sokovia, Africa, New York and Washington, or the links between Tony Stark and terrorist organisations, or Scott Lang's criminal past or rumours that Bucky Barnes was an assassin. Or that Black Widow was. Or that Hawkeye worked with Loki on the invasion of New York.
The ammunition is all right there for him. And even more than that, he's preaching to a community of viewers who have grown disaffected with superheroism without accountability. There were, after all, lots of calls for superheroes to sign the Sokovia Accords from the general public and the fact that the renegades escaped isn't exactly the most compelling counter-argument. If anything, even after the "Blip," the public will be suspicious of anyone with superpowers.
What if they're Thanos, after all? What if rumours spread among the living that Thanos was claiming to be a saviour too, just like these heroes? Why would anyone with any doubts trust a masked hero who refuses to even say who he is? You can just see Jameson using all of that logic as his launching point to pull Peter Parker and Spider-Man apart.
But what if Jameson isn't working alone? What if his Infowars-style programme has a nefarious backer using Jameson's charismatic skills to launch a political campaign as a front for villainous intentions that Peter Parker as New York's protector would be staunchly against?
Who could THAT possibly be?