Spider-Man 3 Theory: We Already Know The Villains...

2. New York Will Save Peter (Again)

Spider-Man 2

We've already seen New York's citizens repaying their debts to Spider-Man in previous versions of his movie universe. In Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, they protected him on the train. In The Amazing Spider-Man, they protected him on the bridge. The message was always "you mess with Spider-Man and you're messing with New York."

And this all fits with the idea of superhero accountability and the need to end that storyline in the MCU. For years now, we've seen repeated questions over the cost of superheroism, with heroes forced to think about the shockwaves of their actions. Even as they save the Earth, they're told to keep an eye on the damage they're doing in the process. It was all very ungrateful.

So, what if Peter finds himself cornered having been hounded into going underground but then Osborn's crew led by Scorpion going after the people he loves (Aunt May and MJ predominantly) and drawing him out. Seeing Peter ready to lay down his life to save them would be the perfect catalyst for turning people back to supporting superheroes completely and abandoning the need to endlessly complain about collateral damage.

The only way for the Sokovia Accords and their hangover to disappear completely is for a total change in public perception and having Peter Parker saved by the people he's always tried his best to save would be a beautiful, poignant realisation of that need. It would also give them a means to explain how Peter's secret identity no longer matters.

The city embracing Peter Parker as Spider-Man and saying it's ok would fit with the need to accept that superheroes deserve protection from prosecution as well as from enemies. And that would be a strong way to bring an end to the age of post-superhero accountability stories.

But then what happens?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.