Spider-Man: Far From Home - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

15. Maria Hill

Spider-Man: Far From Home Nick Fury Maria Hill

For several movies now, key SHIELD leader Maria Hill has done very little of actual note. Sorry, other than dying in Avengers: Infinity War, but then even that was undone.

In Far From Home, she's weirdly clipped and aggressive when dealing with Peter Parker and it seems like she's just a bit of a dick. It turns out, of course that she's actually Soren the Skrull in disguise, but it doesn't make up for the fact that she still has absolutely no impact on the plot of the movie.

And even worse, when it turns out that she's a Skrull impostor, we never actually get to see the real Hill in space with Fury. Which begs the question of where she is and why she even needed to be replaced.


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