Spider-Man: Far From Home Review - 9 Ups & 4 Downs

2. Lots Of The Characters Are Idiots

Happy Hogan Far From Home
Marvel Studios

The easiest way to raise dramatic tension in a plot is to drop IQ levels to the point that characters don't question things that would otherwise wrap the plot up very quickly. The key to pulling that off is balance: you give some characters necessary blindspots to help advance the plot and everyone accepts it quietly.

Unfortunately, Far From Home pushes that envelope way too much. There is a very clever reason why one character acts more stupidly than you'd generally expect, but once you start keeping a tally of idiotic decisions made by major characters, it becomes pretty clear that almost every single one of them commits something unforgivable and sometimes massively out of character.

And while it's funny that Martin Starr's Mr. Harrington is a walking disaster, he goes so far beyond acceptable levels of stupidity that you wonder how he's even capable of dressing himself.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.