Spider-Man: Far From Home Review - 9 Ups & 4 Downs

1. The Post-Credits & The Set-Up

Spider-Man Far From Home Post-Credits
Marvel Studios

It's easy to throw around hyperbole, but honestly, the first credits scene attached to Far From Home is the best post-credits scene Marvel Studios have ever released. The plot details in there are incredible and how it sets up Spider-Man 3 is nothing short of amazing.

Not only is there a major fan-pleasing moment in there (and the best MCU cameo of all), but the ramifications of what happens in that short sequence are real game-changers. Already, the shape of the story for the planned sequel looks even better than both Homecoming and Far From Home.

And then just as you're catching your breath, there's a second stinger that's right up there with the best post-credits scenes in itself. It's more humorous, but again, there's a big story reveal in there that could offer a major hint of what's to come.

For a SPOILERIFIC look at what goes down in the post-credits and what it means, click here.

And now on to the negatives...


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