Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer 2 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs

4. The Balance Of Stakes

Spider-Man Far From Home MJ
Marvel Studios

One of the best things Marvel Studios have learned from Phase 3 is that it's always better to have proper personal stakes in a story even when the general scope of that narrative appears to be huge. Civil War, Black Panther, Infinity War and Endgame all dealt with the potential end of the world, regicide and revolution and mass extinction events and yet each had a deeply intimate story at its heart.

It would have been a mistake if Far From Home had dropped Homecoming's commitment to telling Peter Parker's superhero story as a background to his coming-of-age story, but there was always going to be some compromise on the John Hughes-like approach to narrative now that the stakes are greater.

Thankfully though, Far From Home seems to be taking leads from those other successful MCU movies already mentioned by pushing the threat of the Eternals and Mysterio's story through a more intimate filter. We might be watching Spider-Man take on huge monsters, but we're also still watching Peter Parker dealing with grief and his burgeoning romance with MJ.


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