Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer 2 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs


5. The Emotional Cost Of Endgame

Tom Holland Peter Parker
Marvel Studios

When the first trailer was revealed, it rather confusingly seemed to be ignoring the events of Endgame entirely thanks to its release before Endgame came to cinemas. That meant there was a huge question mark hanging over the events (and even led to suggestions that the time jump would be reversed and nobody would actually be snapped to death in the first place).

This trailer reverses that artful concealment, going all-in on Peter's mental state after Tony's death. We get to see a world in mourning, which in turn tortures Peter even more as he can't escape the iconography of his fallen surrogate father. And by the look of it, Tom Holland is really bringing some depth to Peter's grief: it isn't just about him being upset, it's about the burden of legacy and wanting to be "the next Tony Stark".

All of that adds a whole other element to this story that immediately adds complexity and further opportunity to empathise with Peter.


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