Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer 2 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs

2. Mysterio Looks Legitimately Great

Far From Home Mysterio
Marvel Studios

It goes without saying that it would be foolish to accept that Mysterio's story as presented here is the complete picture, but that's part of his appeal and what we have been shown suggests Jake Gyllenhaal's fish-bowl headed oddity is going to be a great addition to this franchise.

He's clearly going to be settling into Tony Stark's mentor position at least partly (since Peter trying to find his place is obviously going to be a big part of this story), while him introducing the idea of alternate worlds is a really, really great way to spin his story (even if it's not entirely true).

Best of all, even though he's an inherently silly-looking character, he doesn't look too out of place or too goofy. That achievement shouldn't be overlooked and nor should the effects work that looks even better than it did in the first trailer.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.