Spider-Man: Far From Home - What The Explosive Ending Really Means
8. The Multiverse Is NOT Open (And Earth 833 Doesn't Exist)

The first big twist of Far From Home (and easily it's most unsurprising) comes when it turns out that Mysterio is actually a bad dude who used to work for Tony Stark developing the B.A.R.F. technology (whose renaming triggered him badly) and then sought revenge and acknowledgement in the wake of Stark's death.
So in actual fact, the entire multiverse backstory suggesting that Quentin Beck comes from an alternate Earth (which he specifies as Earth-833, from where Spider-Man UK hails in the comics) that was destroyed by the Elementals is no more than a hoax. Or, more pertinently, an illusion.
Beck created the story - or more specifically, his "scriptwriter" did - as a cover, used existing (and stolen) Stark tech and invented a hero image for himself to make him famous and his crew rich. In other words, there was no rip in the universe that opened up paths to other worlds - or at the very least, Beck is no evidence of it - and the fact that he talks about inventing the backstory suggests that's all it is.
Further, the fact that he specifically mentions Earth-833 without any possible means to know it's an ACTUAL universe means that alternate universe doesn't actually exist outside of his imagination. Which means no Spider-Man UK, sadly.