Spider-Man: Homecoming - 10 Major Ways Spidey Will Be Different

1. The New "Iron Spider" Suit

Spider Man Civil War
Marvel Studios

In Previous Films

In all three series, Peter starts out with a home-made suit (with the one shown briefly in Civil War proving to be the most amateur but the second goofiest after Peter's wrestling costume in Spider-Man).

Crucially, he makes his own suits in both Raimi and Webb's versions, he suddenly develops the ability to be a master seamstress alongside being a spider boy, and whips up a complex bodysuit that is way too much of a leap from his previous home-made suits. Not that anyone seems to notice.

In Homecoming

Spidey's suit isn't created by his own hand, and that's important. He's basically wearing a toned-down version of the Iron Spider Tony Stark made for him during the Civil War comic arc, with tech-augmentations including an AI, web wings, new web weapons, the Spidey-signal, Spider-drone and a tracker.

We'll see him discovering more of these additional features in Homecoming (once he overrides the limiting safety net), which means we'll see a distinctly more powerful Spider-Man than we've seen before. At least until Stark takes his new toy back when Spidey messes up.

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