Spider-Man: Homecoming - 10 Spidey Movie Mistakes It Must Avoid

Let's hope Spidey Sense helps Marvel navigate these pitfalls...

Spider Man Homecoming Rdj
Marvel Studios

Cue cheers as Marvel finally snatched back the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from the brink of desecration. Cue boos as we once again are faced with yet another Peter Parker origin story.

Next year's Spider-Man: Homecoming goes back further than cinema has taken Spidey before, and promises to be sink or swim for the plucky hero. Luckily we have already seen Tom Holland's seminal role as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War, where the fun-loving kid soon web-slung into our hearts.

Hopefully harking back to the comedy tone of the '90s animated show, we at least know that Jon Watts' Spider-Man won't be heading down the dark Christopher Nolan's/Batman route.

To be honest, it would just be great if someone did a live-action version of the animated series and we could all rest easy. My spidey-senses also tell me that Kevin Feige and Marvel will be providing a typically breezy Spider-Man affair that will steer away from that emo Peter Parker stage from Sam Raimi's much-maligned Spider-Man 3.

Marvel may have a villain complex, more characters that it can throw an Infinity Stone at, and the impending doom of Thanos, but it could be worse - the MCU could be responsible for Spider-Man 3 or either of Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man films.

Here are 10 more mistakes that web-head's next solo outing should avoid to make the hero in red and blue great again.

10. Yet Another (Needless) Origin Story

Spider Man Homecoming Rdj
Sony Pictures

Seriously, this kid gets more reboots that Batman, and the last thing we want is the first 1/3 of the film telling us how Peter Parker became an orphaned nerd who watched Uncle Ben die before his eyes.

Having Spider-Man as a brief part in Civil War should have set the scene for us to swing straight in, but knowing how these films usually go, there will undoubtedly be flashbacks, school bullies, and an awkward moment where a young Peter tries to woo the girl.

It hasn't been confirmed, but having the cougarish Aunt May put her moves on Tony Stark implies that a) she is single, and b) her mourning period is over. It is morbidly good that it looks like Uncle Ben has already passed on, because alongside Thomas and Martha Wayne, that guy is the most killed adult in cinema.

This means we can get straight into Parker's evolution from boy wonder to crime-fighter, and hopefully see him take on his villains early. We expect some exposition, and possibly a radioactive spider bite, but you would think that after 14 years the studios might have something else to shoot other than Tom Holland kneeling in a gutter and crying.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap