Spider-Man: Homecoming - 10 Spidey Movie Mistakes It Must Avoid

3. Ignoring The Comics

Spider Man Homecoming Rdj
Marvel Comics

Unless you are brand new to this, most will know that the Spider-Man: Homecoming storyline comes straight from 1984's comic of the same name. The studio could have just plucked the name from the history of Parker, but chances are that Marvel have actually being doing their homework and been brushing up on the original tale.

Admittedly Homecoming follows Parker's college years rather than high school, but there is some solid stuff in there. If we learnt anything from Civil War, it is that some change is good, but fans still expect pay-off from the comics. Personally, the lack of a certain assassination in Civil War is a big sticking point, but what are some of the best points of Homecoming?

We may be used to Peter's classic suit, but Homecoming was the debut of the streamlined black suit, as well as someone else who looks banging in black - Felicia Hardy. As mentioned before, Hardy is a key player in Parker's life, and it is about time the films did her justice.

The issue also contained a newly reformed Dr. Connors, so again wanting to wipe the slate of "old" Spider-Man films clean, Connors could play a part. What exactly Holland's Spider-Man is coming home from/to remains a mystery, but as long as it isn't some Tobey Maguire dance lessons I'm OK with it.

The biggest thing that you can expect Homecoming to do is set up an ongoing Wilson Fisk storyline - is everybody ready for the Kingpin?


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap