Spider-Man: Homecoming - 20 WTF Moments

2. What The F-

Spider Man Homecoming Aunt May
Marvel Studios

The final moment before the credits roll is an actual what the f*ck moment, because Marvel obviously pay attention to WhatCulture (we basically invented the WTF moment, obviously).

After Peter gets home from being offered an Avengers place, he lands in his room in his suit (again not even checking that his room is empty and the door is closed for the second time in like a week) right in front of Aunt May, whose perfect WTF response is crashed by the credits.

It's a great inversion of the fact that Peter traditionally doesn't want May to know his secret in case it kills her with shock: instead, here, this younger, sprightlier May reacts exactly as you'd think a protective aunt would.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.