Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

Easter Eggs, production details and secrets from the set visits...

Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

Even with Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 looking more and more like the first truly essential movie of 2017, it's hard not to start getting even more excited for the small matter of Spider-Man's Marvel homecoming in the summer.

It will be the culmination not only of an unprecedented collaboration but also an opportunity to right some serious wrongs and restore the biggest merch-seller in Marvel's entire locker to his exalted position. And even better, we don't have to sit through another origin.

There are some concerns, inevitably, but most of them can be pinned on not wanting to get too excited. We've been burned before, after all. But that sort of cynicism is remarkably hard when the film looks this good.

Now, thanks to some set visits that a host of big name outlets were invited to, we've seen a raft of new revelations to go along with the excellent second trailer. And there's a very definite shape of what we can expect from Jon Watts' reboot in all of that insight.

There's a lot of new information out there, and it's time to start getting really excited...

26. The Working Title

Seinfeld The Puerto Rican Day

Slashfilm reports that the film's secret working title for the production was “The Summer Of George,” in homage to Seinfeld, which the film-makers were watching a lot of during production. It's specifically in reference to George Costanza declaring a "summer of George" in the finale of the 8th season when he gets his severance package and decides to blow it.

Producer Eric Hauserman Carroll says they pick secret titles as jokes, and that "Summer of George was one [suggestion] that made us all laugh the hardest. Our email addresses are Episode 1456.com.”

They actually wanted George himself - actor Jason Alexander - for a cameo, but it didn't come off.


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