Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

20. Michael Keaton's Fangirl Research

Spider Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

It's always nice to know how comic book movie actors get into their parts: in the past we've seen comprehensive looks at how Tom hardy got into Bane, how Christian Bale moulded his mind and body for Bruce Wayne and how Michael Keaton prepared for Batman. And now, we can add Keaton's odd approach to preparing for the role of Vulture.

When he was asked if he'd done any research into the MCU's existing films, he first made a funny, and then revealed a flat-out oddity:

"I barely know who the Joker is (laughter). I’ll tell you my source though. There’s two little girls of a gal who used to work for me. I check in with them. One’s eight and the other one is 11 or 12. So when I have to ask a question about all that stuff, I text ‘em. They fill me in on who’s who. That’s my research (laughs)."

How delightfully atypical of him.


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