Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

19. Vulture's Motivation

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

Thanks to the second trailer we already have some idea of the background and motivations of Adrian Toomes, and the set visit and interviews fleshes that out a little more. He built his suit out of Chitauri tech (though this was definitely more likely Tinkerer, no matter how many sites suggest it), and uses it to get into Damage Control Inc to get more alien tech.

Michael Keaton offered up some information on who Toomes is:

“It’s just a grounded take on where someone like that could come from and where the other people that are a part of it come from, and just trying to root it in something that is believable so it’s not just this arch-villain plot that comes out of nowhere.”

There's very much the sense that he's just a blue-collar guy, fighting back against a corporate entity that put him out of business, and that he doesn't feel like a villain. As Keaton says:

“He takes things in that he feels like a victim, and some of it is justified actually. He believes that there’s an upper echelon of society of people who are getting away with a lot and have everything. And there’s a whole lot of folks who are working hard, and don’t have much. Does that sound familiar? To anybody, given the political climate? Which I think is an interesting way to go about this. […] He runs salvage. He’s a working guy. He’s built this business, this company. He works hard. And they took it from him.”

According to all of the set visit reveals, The Vulture suit has a 34-foot wingspan and requires a gantry to get into it, and it has a cocoon pod extraction that allows Toomes to evacuate for closer battles.


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