Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

18. Uncle Ben Doesn't Matter

Uncle Ben Dead
Sony Pictures

After two Spidey series focused very heavily on the origin and the death of Uncle Ben, Marvel have wisely decided to avoid the origin entirely.

Eric Carroll has stressed that the studio were very clear that they wanted to avoid rehashing the same stories and characters we'd already seen. So no flashbacks to the origin, no spider bite, no Uncle Ben - though he will be mentioned.

The key is, he's no longer the defining element of the story.

We’re trying to tell is this sort of fun story of the kid who is doing all the wrong things for the right reasons. And once you do that, it stops becoming a fun movie about a kid trying to be a kid. He’s mourning the loss of a parent.”

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.