Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

11. Toomes' Coat

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

Michael Keaton's fur-trimmed flight jacket that he wears while he's not in his flight suit is obviously a nod to the original look of Adrian Toomes in the comics.

It's the only way they were really going to get a visual reference in to Toomes' iconic - but quite silly - bird-man outfit. Clearly, the fur trim is the film's allusion to that look...

Vulture Spider-Man Adrian Toomes
Marvel Comics

And as an added nod to the character's backstory in the comics, the Staten Island Ferry disaster sequence is clearly used as a reference to the fact that Toomes was born there.

Spider-Man Homecoming Ferry
Marvel Studios

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