Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

10. The Repurposed Tech

Spider Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

Toomes' terrifying Vulture suit is obviously the culmination of his scavenging of key Avengers sites. At various points, they mention the Battle Of New York and the Triskellian site, and there's evidence of where lots of the tech they steal comes from.

The engines of Vulture's wing suit look to have repurposed the Chitauri air-bikes from the finale of The Avengers, with their familiar blue glow...

Chitauri Bike
Marvel Studios

The giant cannon Vulture uses to try and kill Peter on the ferry is also familiar...

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture Gun
Marvel Studios

...It looks a lot like a redeveloped version of one of the heavy-duty Chitauri cannons from The Avengers too.

Chitauri Gun
Marvel Studios

And elsewhere we see Vulture with an Ultron drone's head, Brice mentions a gun based on a Sub-Ultron arm and having a Black Hole Grenade from Thor: The Dark World. Brice also mentions ant-gravity climbers too.


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