Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

41. Bruce Banner's Cameo

Spider-Man Homecoming Bruce Banner
Marvel Studios

Peter's school is a monument to science and technology excellence, and as such the pictures of legends in those fields appear around that school, with the likes of Darwin, Einstein and Edison appearing. Among their portraits is one of Bruce Banner, whose work in the field of gamma radiation is clearly cherished in the science community.

You know, despite the fact that it turned him into a monster.

At another point in the school we see a shot of Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, as well as Abraham Erskine (the man responsible for Cap's super soldier serum). So that's a radioactive monster, a weapons dealer and a man who meddled with human DNA... very forgiving school, clearly.

Spider Man Homecoming Howard Stark
Marvel Studios

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