Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

39. Loki's Eyeball Machine Returns

Spider Man Homecoming Gravity Gun Loki The Avengers
Marvel Studios

The "Avengers" heist at the start of the film features the first real look at the tech that Vulture's gang have built and sold to other hoodlums in New York and it seems they took inspiration from a strange source for one.

The gang use a huge tracker-beam like weapon to lift the ATM machines out of the wall, before one of them turns it on Spider-Man when he fights back. We've seen this technology before, albeit on a smaller scale.

It's basically an up-scaled version of the contraption Loki uses in The Avengers to remove the museum curator's eyeball. He must have left it behind, since Vulture was able to scavenge it.


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