Spider-Man: Homecoming - 45 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

38. The Secret Invasion Gag

Spider Man Homecoming Iron Man Mask
Marvel Studios

That heist scene - again needlessly spoiled in the trailers - includes a number of references and gags. Obviously, the gang are wearing Avengers masks, but specifically, they're based on Silver Age versions of the characters and the scene references a sequence from Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley's Ultimate Spider-Man run.

Spider Man Avengers Mask
Marvel Comics

It also feels like a Secret Invasion gag: not only are "bad guys" masquerading as Avengers, but that poster in the background also cheekily references "identity theft".

And Spidey making Thor punch Hulk in the face calls back to their clash in The Avengers.

Obviously, there are lots of other Avengers nods: we see the aftermath of the Battle Of New York in the prologue, and Peter's Civil War home videos, and later Flash Thompson jokes about having a hot date with Black Widow. Their presence is felt all through the film.


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