Spider-Man: Homecoming - 9 Big Implications For The Future Of The MCU

1. A Passing Of The Torch

Spider-Man Homecoming Tony Stark Angry
Marvel Studios

Tony Stark plays a crucial role in Peter's life here, which calls back to what we know of Tony from the past and present of the MCU, but also speaks to its future. Marvel is approaching something of a crossroads with its core characters, with the chance that Avengers 4 could kill off at least a few main ones. Even if it doesn't, Marvel know they can't keep relying on Robert Downey Jr. for another 10-15 years, and part of Phase 3 has been about introducing the next wave of superheroes.

They've already got one replacement in the form of Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange, who feels well positioned to be a big part of the next generation. But while Cumberbatch is a draw, Strange isn't yet - the movie was the lowest-grossing of Phase 3 thus far, and Homecoming is already 1/3 of the way towards beating its box-office total (even if Marvel don't actually get that money themselves).

Spider-Man is the biggest superhero in the world. That's not to say he's necessarily the best, but if you look at merchandise sales, Spidey sells around DOUBLE what Batman (who is 2nd) does, and that's a big deal. Iron Man/Downey Jr. is the most bankable face of the MCU, or has been so far, and having him appear as a father figure in Homecoming acts as the first stage in a passing of the torch. Depending on how the deals can be worked out with Sony, then Spidey should now represent a key part of whatever comes next for the MCU post-Phase 3, because there's no hero bigger in the MCU.

What other implications does Homecoming have for the MCU? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.