Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

11. Aaron Davis

Spider-Man Homecoming Donald Glover
Marvel Studios

Like the mystery around Michael Mando's role, the fact that Donald Glover had been cast on Homecoming without a character name was one of the more intriguing threads ahead of release. Ultimately, it turned out he's another recognisable name from the comics - the Ultimate Spider-verse's Aaron Davis, otherwise known as criminal The Prowler.

Though he was suggested to be playing an out-and-out villain, Davis is pretty much an anti-hero further towards the centre of the morality spectrum than Adrian Toomes and his goons. Sure, he's a thief, but in Glover's hands he's cool enough and charming enough to make that not care. And if the Prowler's traditional story arc is anything to go by, he'll turn good in the end anyway (as hinted at by his willingness to help Peter).

Glover is a cool customer obviously, and seeing him in here - and hinting at Miles Morales' existence - is a great little touch, even if he's on screen for precious little time. The banter he throws at Spidey when he's trying to intimidate him is definitely one of the script's high points.


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