Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Secret You Need To Know

2. Ned's Potential

Spider Man Homecoming Ned
Marvel Studios

Peter's pal Ned is by far one of the best-received elements of the movie, providing hilarious comic relief ("I'm looking at porn") and helping keep Peter grounded as the child that he absolutely is.

However, Ned has also been a source of confusion for many fans, as Marvel has stated that the character is partially based on eventual Hobgoblin Ned Leeds, though they intentionally didn't give him the Leeds surname in case they decided to lean away from his comic book arc in future movies.

While this inherently makes it possible that Ned may become a Daily Bugle junior reporter in a few movies' time and start dating Betty Brant (both of which he did in the comics), it'd be pretty damn tough to take him seriously as a villain, so it's hard to imagine Marvel throwing away such an awesome comic relief character this way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.