Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

11. Look On Yee Mighty And Despair

Tom Holland Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

And now we get Peter's low-point. He tried his best to do what was right and it ended up backfiring in his face. Like Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Iron Man and several other Marvel characters before him. It's almost like none of them watched Spider-Man and saw the whole "with great power..." speech.

Peter looks haunted, and he's in for an ear-bashing from Tony Stark as well, fresh out of his new Iron Man suit...

Spider-Man Homecoming Iron man Suit
Marvel Studios

He's pissed, to say the least, and you can still see the wounds of his PTSD from all of the deaths the Avengers have caused. This underlying feeling of guilt is not only what has driven him to start Damage Control, but will also shape his relationship with Peter.

Tony: “What if somebody had died?”Peter: “I was just trying to be like you.”Tony: “I want you to be better. I’m going to need the suit back.”Peter: “But I’m nothing without this suit.”Tony: “If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it.”

Ignore that huge irony klaxon there, I don't think Tony's noticed it.

Spider-Man Homecoming Tony Stark Angry
Marvel Studios

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