Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

10. Going Back To Basics

Spiderman homecoming Parker
Marvel Studios

The consequences of his behaviour in the ferry sequence amounts to Tony removing the special Iron Spider suit (it is, it just doesn't look like it) from Peter's possession, and sending him back to Queens with his disappointment rattling around in his head.

He seeks comfort from his aunt, who is mostly absent from the trailer aside from a couple of shots. She basically represents a little reminder that Peter's got a quiet family life too.

Spider-Man Homecoming Aunt May
Marvel Studios

She's obviously as loving and protective as Aunt May is always supposed to be:

Peter: “I messed up.”Aunt May: “You need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

Not the weight of the world, May, the weight of a giant bloody ferry.

There's another shot of Aunt May slightly later in the trailer, looking like something is going down at Peter's school...

SpiderMan Homecoming Aunt May
Marvel Studios

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