Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

9. The Homemade Suit

Spider-Man Homecoming Homemade Suit
Marvel Studios

Without his high-tech suit, Peter is forced to go back to his homemade, goofier version we saw in Civil War, which was revealed by Funko as part of this film. He's also back to his own chunkier web shooters.

It turns out it was actually Spider-Man that Vulture was trying to recruit, unless Marvel have been doing some sneaky editing. He seems to think Peter will feel more affinity for him than billionaire Tony Stark. He obviously doesn't reckon on Peter's sense of morality.

Obviously not successful, we then get to see Vulture "suiting up", a sequence that reveals his wing suit is remote controllable and absolutely bloody massive.

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture Wings
Marvel Studios

Now, that's a wing-span.


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