Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Reactions - 8 Ups & 2 Downs

1. Another Villain Who Has To Die

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

Marvel already have a long established problem with villains in the MCU. If your name isn't Loki, you're more than likely going to be in the disappointing or under-used category, and rather unfortunately, the studio's writers are way too trigger-happy when it comes to killing iconic villains off.

That's not what comic book villains are about: they're supposed to persevere (albeit locked up for a while), and allowed to stew on their hatred of the heroes to come back with better, nefarious plots.

Unfortunately, it looks like Michael Keaton's Vulture is going to be another one and done villain.

So how do we know that? Well, the trailer shows Spider-Man unmasked during what looks like a climactic battle between the two, and knowing a superhero's identity can only lead to one outcome: being silenced permanently.

It might not be wholly surprising, given that Keaton was allegedly reluctant to sign on at first, but it's still not great to have that much effectively spoiled in the trailer.


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