Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 3 Breakdown - 25 New Things You Must See

12. More Of The Ferry

Spider Man Homecoming Web
Marvel Studios

In voice-over, we hear Toomes saying that he thought he was mostly flying under the radar of the Avengers bozos, and now he's disgruntled that he now has to deal with this new red-clad upstart. At the same time, we get a couple of new shots of Peter first appearing at the Ferry and swinging down to the lower levels (where he presumably finds Michael Mando and his sidekicks).

Crucially, it turns out Iron Man was there all along and didn't just turn up when the Ferry was destroyed for a last minute save. That might not see like too big of a revelation, but it changes the dynamic of that whole scene and makes Peter's mess up look as much like Tony's mistake as his own.

It also seems to suggest that Iron Man goes back on his vow not to work with Peter at one point in the film. Perhaps this is where he doubly learns that he's not ready for the big time in close proximity.

Spider Man Homecoming Iron Man Ferry
Marvel Studios

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