Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 3 Breakdown - 25 New Things You Must See

7. Donald Glover... Friend?

Spider-Man Homecoming Donald Glover
Marvel Studios

Up until now, it's been widely expected that Donald Glover - already sporting a Lando moustache - was playing a villain. That's how his casting was announced and the brief flashes we've seen in the other trailers suggested he was working with the Vulture's gang as a weapons supplier.

But there's nothing in the exchange between him and Spidey that seems to suggest animosity. If anything, it's a cool guy giving advice (about being intimidating), and nobody punching anyone else in the face. It all begs the question of who Glover is actually playing and what role he'll have in the wider narrative.

Spider-Man Homecoming Donald
Marvel Studios

This does not look like a bad relationship.


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