Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer - 6 Ups & 3 Downs


3. A Confused Tone?

Spider Man Homecoming 35
Marvel Studios

Although the John Hughes vibe suggests a refreshing take on the superhero scene, the trailer is one of two halves. After thwarting the heist, the jovial tones of MGMT are thrust into our ear-holes as we navigate through Peter's high school life and humorous run-ins with superhero billionaires until BOOM, the trailer turns into more familiar comic book fare.

Obviously it's impossible to know whether this tonal shift will occur so sharply in the finished film, but seeing the two different genres clash so jarringly like this is certainly a cause for concern.

The childhood drama of living through high school against the sinister nature of The Vulture could well be just what Peter needs to make him into the superhero we know he becomes, or the whole thing could fail to merge satisfactorily and end up being a misfire.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.