Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Spin-Off: Everything You Need To Know

4. It Won’t Affect The Live Action Silk Spin-Off

Spider Verse Silk Spider-Woman Spider-Gwen
Marvel Comics

That news about live action Silk? It’s that Marvel and Sony are reportedly in talks to have in a live action Silk movie. But just like how Tom Holland’s Spider-Man bears no real resemblance to either Chris Pine or Jake Johnson’s Spidey, this live action Cindy won’t influence Into The Spider-Verse’s Silk.

You really have to hand it to Sony. When they sold Peter Parker to the MCU, the fact they still had the rights to the rest of the universe seemed a little pointless. Who’d watch a Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man? As Venom showed us, actually quite a few people, it turns out.

And while Peter did feature in the first Into The Spider-Verse, the real stars were Miles Morales and Gwen Stacey. If Sony nails Silk the way they got those two right, they’ll keep on spinning straw into gold.

This spin-off won’t affect the live action Silk, as different actresses will more than likely be cast and the storylines aren’t linked. But obviously, if they both succeed, it makes it much more likely we’ll see more from Silk in the future. Someone somewhere is probably pitching a live action Miles Morales movie as we speak.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)