Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Spin-Off: Everything You Need To Know

2. Everything You Need To Know About Silk

Spider Verse Silk Spider-Woman Spider-Gwen
Marvel Comics

Silk's one of the more minor characters to have been given a leading role in a comic book movie to date, so it’s definitely worth delving in to what makes her special.

Silk only debuted in 2014, making her five year wait from comic bow to starring screen role one of the shortest around. Coincidentally, Peni Parker also debuted in 2014, so there’s definitely a precedent for a character with only a brief existence to shine on the big screen opposite older staples of the Marvel Universe.

In her Spider-Verse comic, she’s teamed up with Spider-Man as well as Spider-Anya and Spider-Man 2099. Since 2099 was teased in the post credits sequence, he may well crop up in the spin-off too. Silk also once stopped the world from seeing Peter’s face with a quick web after Black Cat tries to unmask him.

As for her powers, she shoots webs from her fingers and has super speed, agility and a photographic memory. The speed and agility especially seem like they could be very cinematic if done right.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)