Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Spin-Off: Everything You Need To Know

1. Everything You Need To Know About Spider-Woman

Spider Verse Silk Spider-Woman Spider-Gwen
Marvel Comics

Silk has had a fair bit of coverage here, but only because we know a bit more about her cinematic version at this stage. Spider-Woman is a hugely intriguing character too. Although Hailee Steinfeld’s Gwen Stacey used the moniker in the movie, she’s actually Ghost-Spider, with an entirely different character taking the name Spider-Woman in the comics.

Since Stacey is going to be part of the spin-off too, there might be some tension right off the bat. In universe, both will think they’re the real Spider-Woman, after all. Away from just her name though, there’s a lot you might want to know before going in.

The Jessica Drew version of the character has been around since 1977, officially becoming an Avenger in 2006. She was originally intended as a one-shot character to trademark the name, stopping anyone else from profiting off Spider-Man’s popularity. However, with the issue selling well, she became a permanent character.

She has the superhuman strength and wall crawling we associate with Spideys, plus the ability to glide, heightened sense of smell and impeccable detective skills. She was blasted with a laser of spider DNA in-utero, so she comes with one of the most interesting origin stories too.

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