Spider-Man: No Way Home: 24 WTF Moments

15. Spidey Vs. Doctor Strange

Spider-Man: No Way Home Tom Holland
Marvel Studios

The conflict over what to do with the multiverse villains culminates in a fight between Strange and Spidey.

Spidey attempts to flee with the magical box-contraption which contains Strange's initial corrupted spell, along with a kill-switch that can send all the villains back to their own universes (and inevitably, their deaths).

Strange catches up to Peter and retrieves the box by knocking Peter's astral form out of his body, kickstarting a visually mesmerising battle as Strange takes them both to the Mirror Dimension.

It's a fantastic sequence, reminiscent of the Mysterio illusion battle in Far From Home, as Strange disorientates Spidey with an array of kaleidoscopic imagery, such as a chorus of trains folding in on themselves.

Surprisingly and perhaps controversially, though, Spidey ends up winning the battle by using maths to prevail over Strange's magic, teeing up a series of webs to ensnare the former Sorcerer Supreme.

As we later learn from Strange when he reappears for the final battle, he was actually left suspended over the Grand Canyon for an entire 12 hours by Peter.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.