Spider-Man: No Way Home - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best
3. MJ
Zendaya's MJ has been a sassy wise-ass since her first appearance in the MCU, and in No Way Home the character was brilliantly fleshed out further from the nice pieces of character development showcased in From From Home.
Here, MJ is Peter's rock as the world turns against him, his aunt is murdered, and he has a whole slew of supervillains to battle. Unfortunately, the only way to truly save the day in No Way Home is for MJ to be amongst those who have all knowledge of Parker wiped from their mind.
After years of keeping a guard up and forever preparing herself for disappointment, Michelle had by this point been able to let someone 'in' - only for all of that to have been for naught, with Peter Parker erased out of existence for her.
Surely all who watched No Way Home have all crossable body points heavily crossed in the hope that MJ and Peter are able to fully reunite down the line.