Spider-Man: Ranking The Movie Suits From Worst To Best

1. Captain America: Civil War

Ever since it was revealed that Spider-Man would make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Captain America: Civil War, the internet has been rife with theories about what form his suit would take. Finally we now have our answer, as revealed by that mouth-watering new trailer. And, you know what, it might just be the best one of the lot. It might not have the sheen of Tobey Maguire€™s suit or the creative twists of Garfield€™s two, but the costume Tom Holland will s port in Civil War (and hopefully in his upcoming solo film) is the most thrilling version we have ever seen. As could be expected by giving the character back to Marvel, it is the most comics-faithful suit of them all. Firstly, the bright red and blue fully embrace the colours of the costume on the page and the small spider emblem harks back to the very first incarnation of the character. Conversely, you€™ve got the streamlined utility belt (Spidey finally has a utility belt!) and the external web shooters. And, of course, there's the genius addition of the Spider-Squint, reflecting the way Spider-Man's eyes expand and contract in the comics to express emotion. The most exciting thing about the suit reflecting the character€™s original look, though, is that it suggests Marvel are planning to update the costume as Peter Parker continues on his superhero career, just as he does in the comics. Based on the movie suits we have seen so far, it'll be exciting to see what they will come up with. What's your favourite Spider-Man suit from the movies? Have your say in the comments section below!
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