Spider-Man: Ranking The Movie Suits From Worst To Best

2. Spider-Man 3 (Black Suit)

So if the suit used in the Sam Raimi movies just gets everything so spot on then what can possibly beat it? Why, the same suit but all in black, of course. Spidey€™s black suit has long been a fan favourite €“ it€™s not for nothing that the character sported the look on and off for about fifty issues in the comics (as well as on a few occasions since). Though Spider-Man is forever synonymous with his red and blue duds, there is something so sleek and cool about his black suit that just looks so awesome. It also makes a whole lot more sense for someone who calls himself Spider-Man to wear. I mean, I€™ve never seen a bright blue and red spider, have you? Yes, while he wore this suit Tobey Maguire€™s Peter Parker did hit all new levels of cringe, what with his emo haircut and that infamous dancing scene. Still, that isn€™t enough to damage the brilliant visual of this suit, with great moments including when Spidey broods on top of a church or the scene which reveals the costume, as Peter comes to and sees his reflection in the skyscraper window.
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