SPOILER ALERT - Predicting The Endings To Fall 2018's Biggest Movies

3. Carnage Is Born - Venom

Carnage Spider-Man

There have been murmurs for a long time that Woody Harrelson's mystery role in Venom will see him play Cletus Kasady, the serial killer who eventually becomes the host of vicious symbiote Carnage.

It would certainly explain why Sony is being so secretive about the nature of Harrelson's part, and considering there's zero chance he's playing some random chump in the movie, it would make sense that he'd be introduced here for a full villain role in Venom 2.

Reports online have suggested the film may conclude with a sequence in which Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) meets up with Kasady at San Quentin prison, where part of Brock's symbiote comes into contact with Kasady.

It's incredibly easy to believe, especially as we know that Riz Ahmed's Carlton Drake will become Riot during the film, ruling out previous rumours that he would end up becoming Carnage himself.

Considering how much fans love Carnage, it doesn't seem likely the entire movie will come and go without him at least being hinted at. This is a perfect way to do it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.