SPOILER ALERT - Predicting The Endings To Fall 2018's Biggest Movies

2. It Sets Up A Robin Hood Cinematic Universe - Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2018
Summit Entertainment

Considering how frequently the upcoming Robin Hood reboot has been compared to last year's Guy Ritchie-helmed King Arthur retooling, it'd be all-too-apt if it similarly tried to awkwardly kick-start a cinematic universe in its final scene.

Multi-film universes are all the rage now, and with the evidently huge budget this new Robin Hood vehicle has behind it - not to mention an all-star cast - why wouldn't it end with a blatant set-up for future movies featuring Hood and his band of Merry Men?

The film's almost certain to be a colossal box office dud, also like King Arthur, so it'll most likely seem embarrassingly optimistic in retrospect. There's virtually no chance this thing has a neat, closed-off ending.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.