SPOILERS: JLA Plot Details Leak!

It was only a matter of time before someone found out the storyline for JLA - online movie vet Patrick Sauriol gets the skinny.

Thank heavens the JUSTICE LEAGUE movie is going forward. With the impending strike I'd feared that movie news might get a bit thin on the ground - it turns out there's about three stories a day on this film!

George Miller's superhero ensemble is without doubt the most highly anticipated film since whatever the last one was (TRANSFORMERS?), earlier today Matt posted about Jessical Biel playing Wonder Woman (I don't hate the idea as much as some, but she seems too much of an obvious choice), now Patrick Sauriol (who previously ran the legendary Coming Attractions site) has unearthed some juicy JUSTICE LEAGUE details and posted them on his Back Room Chatter blog. Here are some of the milder spoilers:
The characters of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and Martian Manhunter comprise the League. One name that I did not hear mentioned was that of Aquaman. Where€™d the fish guy go? Good question. Story elements from the screenplay have been adapted directly from DC€™s JLA comic book series. The man wearing the Green Lantern ring in the JLA film is John Stewart and not Hal Jordan (Earth€™s first Green Lantern) or Kyle Rayner (who followed after Stewart€™s run in the comic book continuity.) It should be noted that in the Justice League cartoon series John Stewart is the same character serving as Earth€™s Green Lantern. The Flash is the youngest member of the JLA. He has a crush on Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is portrayed as the member that acts as defacto humanitarian and face for the League. Our source told us that the best way to describe how she is written in the script is to €œthink of Angelina Jolie and her relations with foreign countries.€
Follow the link for more details, including hints on a huge EMPIRE STRIKES BACK sized spoiler. IESB are also reporting that the movie ends in a massive showdown between three of DC's flagship heroes (if you don't know who they are then Google Matt Wagner's Trinity). All I can say is that'll be a hell of a three-way!

Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.