St George's Day 2013: 10 Greatest Ever British Movie Bad Guys

star_trek Apart from throwing a good old knees up, one thing the British are really quite good at is being villainous. It is a skill we have refined over many years and from the looks of things Benedict Cumerbatch will be continuing a truly fine tradition this summer with Star Trek Into Darkness. So now would seem like an excellent time to look back at some of the most memorable British villains that have populated cinema. For the sake of clarity, this is not a list of British actors playing the villain, so there will be no Hans Gruber or seemingly every single senior Imperial Officer for example, but of villains who are almost definitely from this green and pleasant land. Here are ten top examples of British folk being downright evil.

10. Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)

deville Just because it says "Movie Bad Guys" in the title doesn't mean we cannot include a lady, especially when said lady is as evil as this. Yes it is the wonderful Cruella de Vil, you can choose either the animated or Glenn Close versions, in any case her level of nasty is impressive. Part of her villainous charm no doubt comes from the fact that her characters actions are actually kind of believable. The fashion industry has always enjoyed a few immoral business practises, just ask some small children in any random Asian country, so the idea of skinning dogs for fur is scarily believable. This aligned with the fact that she treats everyone around her, including her bumbling associates, with utter contempt helps to solidify her place as a great British bad guy (well, girl. You know what I mean).
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist