St George's Day 2013: 10 Greatest Ever British Movie Bad Guys

4. Don Logan (Sexy Beast)

sexy_beast Sir Ben Of Kingsley does make for a pretty damn good villain, anyone who has seen Iron Man 3 can attest to this, but it is surely his performance in Sexy Beast that will prove to be his most memorable turn. As Don Logan he attempts to enlist the retired Gary Dove (Ray Winstone) for a bank job back in London and when he refuses Don absolutely does his nut, to put it lightly. His increasingly unbalanced behaviour leads to something of an untimely demise but in his time on screen he manages to show what an absolute psycho he is and how he has a fondness for saying yes and no in a manner similar to a petulant Yorkshire terrier.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist