St George's Day 2013: 10 Greatest Ever British Movie Bad Guys

5. Benedict (Last Action Hero)

Benedict Last Action Hero bombed at the box office thanks in part to a wave of bad publicity (and a little film called Jurassic Park) but it is a film that is nowhere near as bad as those critics would have you believe. It is a film that has a fond place in my heart despite it's bonkers plot and that is in no small part to Charles Dance's deliciously evil performance as Benedict. In a role that was apparently originally offered to Alan Rickman, Dance has real fun as the fictional assassin who is transported into the real world using that magic cinema ticket, anyone who hasn't seen the film might think that this all sounds ridiculous, but Benedict is an absolutely wonderful creation, brutally killing his boss in the film world before murdering a man in the real world just to see if anybody cared (they didn't).
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist