Star Trek: 10 Best Uhura Moments

9. Facing Down Mirror Sulu

Uhura Star Trek

When Uhura, Kirk, Scott, and McCoy are accidentally beamed into the mirror universe in Mirror, Mirror, she plays a vital role in getting them all home again. This episode is frequently marked as a fan favourite, and it's really not hard to see why. Everyone has so much fun, chewing the scenery where needed, and getting to play outside of the norm.

George Takei is the moustache-twirling villain of the piece, one whose ambitions place him directly in the way of the away team's route home. While Scott and McCoy are working on getting them back to their own universe, Sulu must be distracted. He had previously made advances toward Uhura, who soundly rebuffed him. She uses this to her advantage.

Approaching him at the right time, she chides him on giving up so easily, insisting that it is a game and he must continue to chase her. The distraction works, and Scott's work goes unnoticed. For good measure, she then backhands Sulu, pulls out her dagger, and slowly escapes the bridge. It is a moment of pure strength and a savage victory against this detestable version of the helmsman.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick