Star Trek: 10 Best Uhura Moments

6. Charlie's Our New Darling

Charlie X is an early episode of the Original Series, one that sees the superpowered Charles Evans brought aboard the Enterprise. What follows is chaos, with the young man unable to exercise restraint over the powers granted to him by the Thasians.

The original script had Uhura described as a trained mimic, one who would entertain her crewmates by doing imitations of them. This remained into the final episode, where Yeoman Rand asked Uhura to mimic the captain while they are all together in the rec room. However, the original story idea was changed when the writers wished to include Nichols' own talents.

Nichelle Nichols was a gifted singer, so they wrote this into the character of Uhura. She begins to sing a song that teases Spock, who accompanies her on the Vulcan lute. Then, once Evans enters the room, she switches to singing about Charlie being their new darling. However, her song, teasing Evans as it had teased Spock, brings out the young man's ire and he removes her voice, doing nothing as she gasps for air beside Spock.

Though short, the scene manages to showcase Nichols' talented singing voice, something that would return again through the franchise's run.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick