Star Trek: 10 Biggest Mysteries About Guinan

3. Did She Have A Son On Deep Space Nine?

Star Trek Guinan

Martus Mazur was the very first character on Star Trek to be identified as an El-Aurian, as his appearance came before Guinan's reveal in Star Trek: Generations. He was intended to be Guinan's son, a recurring character who was to be set up as a rival to Quark on the promenade.

There were several issues that faced him from the beginning. First, Whoopi Goldberg was unavailable for filming during the episode's production slot. Thus, all mention of him being her son was dropped from Rivals. Michael Pillar commented at the time that the intention was to make him an ongoing player.

However, Chris Sarandon was criticized for his portrayal of the man, particularly in the lack of chemistry with Armin Shimmerman. Therefore, Mazur was quickly retired from any planned appearances to follow. As it stands, he ended up being another survivor of the Borg invasion, thus was presumably aboard the SS Lakul along with Guinan and Soran, yet he chose to follow the path of a con man. In conjunction with Soran, that makes it 2-1, with El-Aurians appearing as villains in Star Trek.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick