Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The First Contact Fleet

4. Technobabble

Star Trek 10 Secrets of the First Contact Fleet
Paramount Pictures

Despite the creation of an internal size chart giving the exact length of the Enterprise-E (2248 feet) and diameter of the Borg cube (9000 feet) and Borg sphere (1500 feet), the exact stats of the rest of Star Trek: First Contact's fleet remained up in the air. In fact, that size chart actually included blank spaces for official sizes to be filled in, but neither ILM nor the main art department actually got around to it.

However, as these vessels were filtered into Star Trek's relatively-mostly-kinda canon reference manuals and resources (like Michael and Denise Okuda's second edition Star Trek Encyclopedia), franchise mainstays like the Okudas, Rick Sternbach, and Doug Drexler were left to work out the details.

Listed in 1998's Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Akira-class starship was a heavy cruiser-type vessel produced at the Antares Fleet Yards on Atares IV, rated for a crew of 500, and measuring 464.43 meters long. According to the same resource, both the Norway and Saber-classes were developed at Earth's Spacedock 1 and while the Saber-class could only carry 40 officers compared to the Norway's 190, both ships were labeled as measuring 364.77 meters long... which is definitely a typo.

According to DS9's visual effects supervisor David Stipes, the Saber-class was actually scaled to 190 meters, making it just slightly longer than the USS Defiant.

As for the Steamrunner-class? No official soft-canon sources have given that ship any kind of technical specifications, though Eaglemoss Collections' officially licensed material clocked the ship in at 356 meters.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).