Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About General Chang

1. He Never Supported Gorkon Even Before The Peace Talks

The video game Star Trek: Klingon Academy provides much of the known backstory for General Chang. He served as military advisor to Chancellor Lorak until the latter's death. Between 2291 and 2293, he defended the Empire against an unsuccessful coup attempt by a Klingon named Kalnor. Chang crippled the man's ship, beamed himself aboard, and engaged him one-to-one combat, winning the fight but losing an eye in the process.

After Lorak died, Gorkon, as Chief of Staff, was the next legitimate Chancellor. However, Kalnor's brother, Melkor, usurped the seat of power, declaring himself the Emperor. He kicked off a period of devastation within the Empire, receiving help from the Romulan Star Empire as well. Even in his battles against Melkor, Chang still did not trust Gorkon. The man's well known search for peace with the Federation was antithetical to Chang's beliefs, but he was forced to accept Gorkon's help to defeat Melkor.

Once the traitor was killed, Gorkon was installed as Chancellor and Chang was appointed to his council, serving as the new Chief of Staff. Though he stood beside Gorkon from that moment on, already the dissatisfaction with the latter's policies were causing issues. Later in the year 2293, the moon Praxis exploded, causing a chain reaction of events that led to both men's deaths.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick